During my time here I've been a sideshow character at best, but I snuck back in to talk some shit and now that that's over with, I'm riding off into the sunset. A shout-out to all the people who provided many a laugh during times both wonderful and dire over the years. In some but no particular order:
- quasi101 -- You son of a bitch; thank you for the greatest website ever. Someday I hope to buy you many a beer, this website has been a monumental part of my life. Few people have brought people together like you have. nor stood their ground like you have done. And throughout this ever-stranger period of time we've all found ourselves in, you've been the leader through thick and thin. Not many men can claim the same. Cheers mate.
- Phish -- admin so have to say it.. naw you're cool, thanks for letting me back in, best of luck in your new role, you have enormous shoes to fill
- TheGhostOfAbeVigoda -- ribs were tickled
- CarolMaxheinie -- if I was gay I'd only have eyes for you
- RobertMewler -- if I was straight I'd only have eyes for you
- Honey Badger -- amazing content, and that's excluding your wife's breasts (enough to drive any man mad, especially Pat)
- captain_kamala -- if I was insane I'd only have eyes for you (you're a gem though, love ya girl)
- Sue Lightning -- ..............
- @NormsGhost -- yuck
- Stent -- you made me laugh many a time, even before you became a mod
- Uncle J’s Sink Emporium -- we've had our differences but you're a good egg, best of luck, go fuck yourself
- PorqueDealer -- same as Uncle J but more
- Prison Enjoyer -- lol
- BUBBLER -- seek help
- cliveowen -- I like this author as well, also seek help
- Ned Flanders -- I saved your sendoff video, incredible stuff; I'm going to watch it and chuckle many more times in the future, I've saved it to a multiple drives, I wish I was as talented as you
- whippinghuskies -- que tal
- NoBacon -- we've had our beefs but in my mind, it was all washed away after Sue Lightning's insane declaration that Pat's making a million bucks a year off the duplex Airbnb
- DrTorqueCarlisi -- you always bring the goods, appreciate ya doc
- Honeycomb Hideout -- I remember you dropping in to bring some news and then dipping out; if this is correct, smart move, but in any case I do remember you...
- Coonskin -- Hi, Limewire here, exiled forum poster...
- Daddy Warbucks --
- Uncle Anthony Cumia -- I remember you making me laugh many, many times
- Torque’sHeadBump -- lol
- TorquieTwoBeers -- hard laughs
- TorqueWheeler -- when's the blog coming back?
- RickiLeaks -- thank you for your service, the massive amounts of DMs from redditors must be exhausting
- Cuphead -- I've always appreciated your posts, keep it moving... Good game too
- iblBangedQuasi -- what does ibl stand for? Great poster nonetheless...
- Tagine Enthusiast -- keep an eye on Shane, what that fat weirdo is gonna do next is anyone's guess
- UnPRePared -- we've butted heads but keep an eye out for new weirdos in the forums, you've got a good head on your shoulders I think...
- TheGhostOfBernellTrammell -- please bring this unsolved crime to a closure
- Brooke Shields -- you've made me aware of many happenings, I appreciate your posts
- Turk February -- your videos rock, why have you stopped??
- Ladynyahh -- great poster, never change....
- IGotATreeOnMyHouse85 -- easily my favorite low-key contributor to the forums, you fucking rule dude.
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