Hey Dave Landau, why don't you come defend your fat fucking wife?

Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
It’s hilarious to me that his wife is a bit overweight but not terribly obese like fatrick. Yet, he still gets extremely butt hurt like she’s the greatest catch of all time. Yeah you did good Dave. Really she is a catch for a 5’ tall dork who is a mediocre comedian. She’s still a fat pig though you retarded man child.


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
It’s hilarious to me that his wife is a bit overweight but not terribly obese like fatrick. Yet, he still gets extremely butt hurt like she’s the greatest catch of all time. Yeah you did good Dave. Really she is a catch for a 5’ tall dork who is a mediocre comedian. She’s still a fat pig though you retarded man child.
Are there photos of his actual wife?


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Nobody leaves Nana with advance notice. They all feel like they have to run away.

But yes, Dave. Your wife is a porker.
Did dave leave TACS? Last I saw of him was some meme youtube shit where he was on Steven Crowder. Not that I watch that fag, it was some viral thing and out of nowhere Landau who I haven't seen since pirated cumia show torrents were still available is sitting next to Crowder in 2021 on youtube


Imagine being Dan Landis' fat wife, you hear someone mocking your fatness on Don's show and instead of defending you as being not fat, or beautiful, or "rubenesque", he just goes "oh yeah well what does your wife look like!" And trying to dox the guy to prove his point.

Confirming that you are indeed a fat fuck of a pig.