Here you go. Pat admitting to taunting his stalkers for not doing well enough. This is all we need to reply with to fuck with his victim narrative.



"I'm not bringing a civil lawsuit, child. The charges being investigated are criminal."
How did that go?
"Did you earn interest on the time you spent on me, little one? Of course you didn't. None of you did. None of you will. My bank account thanks you for your efforts."
one of "us" did, lol
"I didn't claim I'm waging war against you, child. The war is over. You lost. I won."
Not so

Toothless Enthusiast

Killed by Patrick!
Nor have I ever been to Atlanta except to drive through it or change airplanes.



Fruit Loops, Cheerios, Pops, Trix, Cocoa Pebbles
Can I fuck your tits?? :love: :love:
Disgusting fat person

Still by far the funniest thing that’s happened during the pig saga imo.
I specifically remember them saying, "Do they know about the pedophile rumors, Patrick?"

I look back on those days fondly. Ribs for breakfast on his IG and checking in on his ongoing meltdowns on r/autism and goodreads throughout the day.
Does anybody have any screenshots/archives????


Self Styled Brothaman
He was a lot more smug back then. Wha happen?
patrickstomlinson 2019-08-26
I have thousands of dollars to spend, child. Because it's an investment in myself that I've already made back and then some. Do you and dozens of your friends normally spend a year of your empty lives throwing everything you can at a single complete stranger, only to lose. Every single time?
Yes, you do. That is your new normal. Strap in for it.

He strapped in for his new normal, I guess.

Harry Powell

Bruce is more helpful to Defendants than Plaintiff
patrickstomlinson 2019-08-26
I have thousands of dollars to spend, child. Because it's an investment in myself that I've already made back and then some. Do you and dozens of your friends normally spend a year of your empty lives throwing everything you can at a single complete stranger, only to lose. Every single time?
Yes, you do. That is your new normal. Strap in for it.

He strapped in for his new normal, I guess.
It’s so easy to lose track of the time-scale of Patposting.

5 years ago. Man, I was 34. My life was completely different. I’ve changed so much in that time and Rick hasn’t at all, except his disgusting physical deterioration, I guess.