Here comes Le Tour de Bovine


Potential R* Screenshotter

California AND Fire Island? And more CA-themed songs than you can handle, because THAT’S what residents of the state want to hear all the time. Nice setlist curating, stupid.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Got a full week of lip syncing I see.

No idea why a county fair would fly out this goof across the country. This guy does gigs for $100 at playgrounds. I hope is gout flairs up tomorrow. Surprised he thinks he is going to be able to do all those dates. He will be complaining about some kind of pain after this month. He thinks califonians really like songs about california. He thinks he is playing to the crowd. They dont give a shit. especially when you sing like crap. These events are going to regret hiring this dolt after they see how bad he is. I hope he rants about trump and the government while smacking his gum into the mic.