fell asleep at bus stop. woke up with weird taste in my mouth


suboxone in the blunt my ninja
I fell asleep at the bus stop after taking some oxys and kpins. when i woke up i had a really weird kind of cummy taste in my mouth, and my ass kind of felt weird and sore.

has anyone ever experienced this? is it a common side effect of oxy? I also expelled some kind of white, sticky discharge from my anus earlier. I was feeling kind of gassy and after i farted i felt a warm wet spot in my pants and it was creamy and white. does fentanyl cause this? I'm really worried i got sold some pressed pills and now Im experincing this as a result. If anyone has experience with this, please help me. i dont have insurance so I'm concerned this could be expensive to treat


I fell asleep at the bus stop after taking some oxys and kpins. when i woke up i had a really weird kind of cummy taste in my mouth, and my ass kind of felt weird and sore.

has anyone ever experienced this? is it a common side effect of oxy? I also expelled some kind of white, sticky discharge from my anus earlier. I was feeling kind of gassy and after i farted i felt a warm wet spot in my pants and it was creamy and white. does fentanyl cause this? I'm really worried i got sold some pressed pills and now Im experincing this as a result. If anyone has experience with this, please help me. i dont have insurance so I'm concerned this could be expensive to treat