Fawwwk yeah!! My name's Nicole "Nik" Nikkerson! What am I a saint or sumptin tss tss





For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Ugly Niki, the pilled up piece of shit, has always been a worthless, tacky bitch. I’m delighted that more people have caught on to her hateability.

Carol, I don't think anyone here ever liked her, but some did... Let's say simp a little.

I remember a few lads here saying they felt sorry for her like she was being manipulated, and others complimenting a good picture of her here and there.

But need I remind you all how complicit she's been in this whole endeavour of his to profit off of misery, and supporting his own cyber bullying. He is a cunt. She is a cunt, as well.

And I change my Polish 3 rating of her to a Poznan 1. There is a surprising number of beautiful, quality ass here.