Every Dr. Katz episode is up on Youtube


Boqnaldo (Parody account)
@Sue Lightning either have a better attitude toward this or get banned you little bitch. Oh, I mean: bump.
That "doo doo swag" amirite riccardoster? Heh...



For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Certain episodes were good.

I remember there was a running gag where Dom Irrera was sexually obsessed with Dr. Katz, to the point he left him a strange singing voicemail. It was very odd, but staged funny in a Monty Python-esque way that did have me laughing.
Watch uncultured "Zoomer" @SueLightning say this is boring and unfunny:

I know stand-up is played out and cringe at this point, but it was a bit of a cultural phenom in the 80s and 90s. And everybody who was anybody in comedy in the 90s was on that show.

My favorite character is the son (played by Jon Benjamin) who does nothing but mooch off his dad and eat cereal. Who ironically, is basically an effete "Sue" type. Say Sue again!!!