Erock attacks Joe Derosa


That isn't Erock. It doesn't sound anything like him. We have years of him talking on the radio and his speach patterns and vocabulary are completely different. We have years of him being a blundering failure at everything he tries that isn't lego, he's too lazy to write and edit something like this. Even something this bad takes time and energy.
Yes, it's clear that it's some guy who loves Cumia and Norton. But it's some other fatso and not Erock.


It sounds just like Erock. Take your years of speech patters that you clearly didn’t listen to and shove them up your ass.
You don't sound like Erock, fatso. You saying you're Erock is the only way you can get anyone to give a shit about your terrible MrPlinkett impression. How little self worth do you have that pretending to be Erock is a step up for you? Stop trying to create an air of mystery around yourself.
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Im like 90% sure thats E-Rock. The reason its hard to recognize is because hes taking time to write what hes saying. He speaking confidently which is only possible if hes inside his masterbatorium. In studio hes a shaky nerd on mic. At home he gains some confidence.