Do you think this makes rat feel powerful?


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Seth, if you're reading this:

Shane got SNL because he's funnier, smarter and harder working than you ever will be.

He's on Joe Rogan - which would be the ideal platform for you to spread your views, as it would give you the chance to convince people who wouldn't ordinarily listen to you - not because he's some sort of Nazi, but because he's funnier than you; and unlike you has something interesting to say.

Lastly, here's a shot from a month ago of the guy you had fired for "racism," playing a stage you'll never be invited to, surrounded by his peers (and Dave Chappelle):


For anyone else, have a sketch:

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Guy should have called out the rat by name. But he's too good (something Seth could never comprehend, the piece of shit).
I have to politely disagree here, Mew. It's better to not say his name and give him the satisfaction or attention.

For Gillis, better to let Seth fade into obscurity like the talentless nobody he is.