Depraved child rapist, child stlaker, and man who swatted me Eric Hildeman violates my rights.

Kid diddler Hildy reported my nom de plume facebook account I was using to investigate his property tax scofflaw status. I posted hard hitting questions using my undercover name Robert(a) Boomia on several groups he frequents and runs, Hildy the "free thinker" he is deleted them. I also asked his rotted asshole'd wife Carrie a fat slob who once was on some TV judge show in a tiff with an ex, about why they have not paid a cent since the moved to Waukegan, despite being in a perverted throuple with some hooker looking redhead. Apparently this hooker looking woman who is a "disabled" vet has a history of posting salacious pictures of herself and now lives and owns with Carrie Hildeman, the property Eric lives at. I believe Eric is cuck to this former Air Force lady who gives Carries rotted undercarriage the service it needs. "Kendall" occupies the master suite as a reward for taking care of Carrie while Hildy phone harasses my kids and vandalizes my property.

As I posted previously Eric is planning to attack my family and commit terrorism on us. Just as he doxxed my children in the hopes an insane Pat packer like Nokes would harm us all. He intends to go to Sarnia, Ontario to some pedophile gathering and cross into Michigan, harm us and then return to Illinois overland via Canada. I believe I have uncovered his odious plot and he is so bold that he attacked this journalist's investigative page with false reports. Heads on a swivel. Please pray for me. @NoBacon put in a god word with the man above.
Well, this is a boomia post alright.
Please treat this post with the seriousness it needs. Hildy may send this "disabled vet" hooker looking chick to harm us. Or in the alternative Hildy is actually trafficking her like he did his sister. I'm not sure. He could be using her to take the fall for the tax stuff, maybe she's a sex slave, I can't be sure.


Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Please treat this post with the seriousness it needs. Hildy may send this "disabled vet" hooker looking chick to harm us. Or in the alternative Hildy is actually trafficking her like he did his sister. I'm not sure. He could be using her to take the fall for the tax stuff, maybe she's a sex slave, I can't be sure.

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Is it really slavery if she has to pay me? I do feel bad that Hildeman has not only harassed your child, but admitted to stopping himself from sexually harassing him and his fat hands as well.
I barely remember what happened with the vandalism. Can you explain that again to get me up to speed? It was something about destroying bushes right
Hildy found a number of mine, it belonged to my son and called like 10 times a few asking for me, in 2 bursts. He may have called more we missed. Also shrubs at a rental I own were run over, it appeared deliberate, in the same time frame. Lastly I got a police visit from my local sheriff's officer about "noise and screaming" and I had only been home like 5-10 minutes and nobody on my darkened street had any evidence of having made noise. I think and am 99% sure it was Hildy because I said it was no big deal that cops visited Pat and his reactions were insane and I would just calmly talk to them myself. Like 5 days later on the weekend at like 9PM or so the cops came and as I said I was out and it was dusky out only 10 minutes before.

My guess is Hildy was showing me how I could "suffer" like Pat because I told him fat out I would protest Pat until his fat heart gave out because he's total shit. Naturally I don't forget and I now have a plan to deal with Hildy and I've been saying things like I'd buy his upcoming tax lien, so now he's posting about attending pedofests near my summer home. Hildy is total human trash.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
Kid diddler Hildy reported my nom de plume facebook account I was using to investigate his property tax scofflaw status. I posted hard hitting questions using my undercover name Robert(a) Boomia on several groups he frequents and runs, Hildy the "free thinker" he is deleted them. I also asked his rotted asshole'd wife Carrie a fat slob who once was on some TV judge show in a tiff with an ex, about why they have not paid a cent since the moved to Waukegan, despite being in a perverted throuple with some hooker looking redhead. Apparently this hooker looking woman who is a "disabled" vet has a history of posting salacious pictures of herself and now lives and owns with Carrie Hildeman, the property Eric lives at. I believe Eric is cuck to this former Air Force lady who gives Carries rotted undercarriage the service it needs. "Kendall" occupies the master suite as a reward for taking care of Carrie while Hildy phone harasses my kids and vandalizes my property.

As I posted previously Eric is planning to attack my family and commit terrorism on us. Just as he doxxed my children in the hopes an insane Pat packer like Nokes would harm us all. He intends to go to Sarnia, Ontario to some pedophile gathering and cross into Michigan, harm us and then return to Illinois overland via Canada. I believe I have uncovered his odious plot and he is so bold that he attacked this journalist's investigative page with false reports. Heads on a swivel. Please pray for me. @NoBacon put in a god word with the man above.
Wait, did you consider tapping him with two fingers and rupturing his mortal coil with your martial skills? Fitht of da Norf Thtar
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The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
Hildy found a number of mine, it belonged to my son and called like 10 times a few asking for me, in 2 bursts. He may have called more we missed. Also shrubs at a rental I own were run over, it appeared deliberate, in the same time frame. Lastly I got a police visit from my local sheriff's officer about "noise and screaming" and I had only been home like 5-10 minutes and nobody on my darkened street had any evidence of having made noise. I think and am 99% sure it was Hildy because I said it was no big deal that cops visited Pat and his reactions were insane and I would just calmly talk to them myself. Like 5 days later on the weekend at like 9PM or so the cops came and as I said I was out and it was dusky out only 10 minutes before.

My guess is Hildy was showing me how I could "suffer" like Pat because I told him fat out I would protest Pat until his fat heart gave out because he's total shit. Naturally I don't forget and I now have a plan to deal with Hildy and I've been saying things like I'd buy his upcoming tax lien, so now he's posting about attending pedofests near my summer home. Hildy is total human trash.
I missed all this shit. I would thoroughly enjoy watching one of these tweebs get fucked up thoroughly as they crossed a red line.

I wonder if he knows 90% of the shit that has happened to Pat was Pat doing it. Probably wouldn't care because they are all hypocritical pieces of shit who don't care about facts. Imagine being a lacky for Patrick fucking Tomlinson...
Please treat this post with the seriousness it needs. Hildy may send this "disabled vet" hooker looking chick to harm us. Or in the alternative Hildy is actually trafficking her like he did his sister. I'm not sure. He could be using her to take the fall for the tax stuff, maybe she's a sex slave, I can't be sure.

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Got any of her unwashed asshole?

Момент Силышенко

The Butcher of Slutsk
I'm so sorry, Boomia. Wanna bet that he has never once reported Jackie or Patrick defaming Dushatar or Gibney? That man has zero principles, he just wants censorship and silencing dissent. Freethinkiner my ass

what did you expect, Eric?
that gif is like "it's got bones in it", times i have nearly pissed my pants laughing at things on here