-As President of Princeton refused to admit black students
-As a historian wrote excessively about how the Confederacy was righteous
-As President, resegregated the Federal Government to the point where cages had to be built around black workers
-When black people protested over this he told them to leave and that he “didn’t like their tone” and that segregation was good for them
-Refused to acknowledge a racial equality amendment that would require all countries to be treated equally before the League of Nations
-Nominated and got THIS GUY to the Supreme Court:
Heres a quote from Wilson on the KKK:On a personal level, McReynolds was widely seen by his peers as a mean-spirited bigot, whose disrespect was so extreme he was known to at times turn his chair around to face the wall when prominent African-American attorneys addressed the court during oral arguments.[140][141] A fervent anti-Semite, McReynolds refused to sign opinions by any of his Jewish colleagues on the court.
Adventurers swarmed out of the North, as much the enemies of one race as of the other, to cozen, beguile and use the negroes.... In the villages the negroes were the office holders, men who knew none of the uses of authority, except its insolences.
....The policy of the congressional leaders wrought...a veritable overthrow of civilization in the South.....in their determination to 'put the white South under the heel of the black South.'
The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation.....until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the southern country.
But keep loving those toothless nigger loving conservatives Nana…