cumtown clip channel makes 5k a month

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
pre week:


he made at least 55k in the last year or so



god damn man i feel bad


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
So how much do O&A clip uploaders make? $4.00?
This makes me laugh thinking about that Nopie uploaded who made a post on YouTube (only faggots make actual posts on YT) encouraging people to get the vaxx. Just like O&A themselves, he was a thin skinned faggot who spazzed out when people gave him shit for this, and deleted his channel.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I'm going to put together a Soundboard Rick instead of hiring him. It'll save me editing out all the stammering.
do this. There's so much mateiral in that 5th confrontation clip, it almost seems staged to be that good. I'm not even that into Pat lore but its a bottomless pit of quoteables. also get the uncensored Josiah "Fuck yourself NIGGER," personal request, it was classy, chic and appropriate, a timeless bit of repartee