Could any of you fine brotherman give me a TLDR on this Cumtown thing?

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Woke up this morning, got a gun.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I've had to tap out of every cumtown clip I've ever heard within minutes
I gave it a fair try and sat through the first ten episodes before I gave up. Can't think of anything memorable in them. There's some highlights on Youtube so I know they can be funny but I'm not going to sit through hours of mindless meandering to get to it. I was just reminded of Patrice's description of the Workaholics guys: insipid ironybros that mumble in a too-cool-for-the-room fashion. The whole tone is just insufferable to me, it's not a fawkin hang. Kudos if you enjoy it but it just ain't for me.


Cumtown was a show about a sad Jewish man whose thot girlfriend cheated on him while his fat Greek friend laughed. Not at him, just in general.

I've seen references to it on here for a long time but never checked out the show or the sub/forum. At some point in the last few months I started hearing the Friedman guys name and put together he was the Cumtown guy. Saw the Redbar clip of him this last couple weeks and he wasn't what I was expecting hearing about Cumtown this whole time. Wasn't picturing a nerdy joo for some reason. Then last week, I'm going to Universal Studios with my family, and I'm sleeping in the back of the van on the way and I wake up hearing this music that I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or really hearing it. Later I ask my daughter and she said she was playing shit on the stereo and it was TV girl. Well I looked them up and found the song and the video has this chick walking around the whole time and it has her name below and says to google her. So I do and it says she used to date the Cumtown guy. Then I put together that she's the Redscare chick. I've never heard that show but somehow found myself on their Reddit sub a couple times and it seemed to have a funny vibe. Then I saw a clip of her on Frieldands show. It's a weird synchronicity finding all this shit at once that relates to eachother.


I liked the one about failing to stop a rape because he was wearing flip flops. Or Gay Retarded Jackass. They had their moments. Gay Batman characters was pretty funny
The Wario versus Mario stuff was funny. One was Wario accusing him of rape and everyone having to believe Wario because there’s no such thing as a perfect victim.