Comedians are heroes.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
He's exactly like Stern - bought into the bullshit of his own hype.

He's so tone deaf that he can't see when the peak of his godawful show was - interviews that were more like conversations. It's as bad as Stern thinking he's a genius interviewer rather than realizing his Pinnacle was office ball busting and when Jackie wrote his jokes.

Now Joe thinks he's a genius ship-steerer that ruins any natural flow of dialogue, and Stern is an old Queen hiding in a Hamptons closet with Ralph under the desk.

It really is pure fucking luck with success in this world.
God I hate fucking hate Rogan. He talks like he’s a respected comedian when he obviously isn’t. He just has a platform they can go on. He’s worse than opie. They were clearly having a good time talking about it and he has to steer the ship into a fucking cliff of gayness.
I forget he is a comedian when I stumble on his podcast. Someone posted a compilation of him just climbing on a stool and making animal noises while doing standup. Like this is what he thinks is comedy. Fucking hack. He is terrible but nowhere near the idiocy that was Opie.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
He's exactly like Stern - bought into the bullshit of his own hype.

He's so tone deaf that he can't see when the peak of his godawful show was - interviews that were more like conversations. It's as bad as Stern thinking he's a genius interviewer rather than realizing his Pinnacle was office ball busting and when Jackie wrote his jokes.

Now Joe thinks he's a genius ship-steerer that ruins any natural flow of dialogue, and Stern is an old Queen hiding in a Hamptons closet with Ralph under the desk.

It really is pure fucking luck with success in this world.
he probably know theres a posalin doc on him and his butt buddy Bert, he tried to bentpixel posalin b4


Access to the Debates
Rogan gets defensive because he knows he is a target of derision for any fan of comedy. He sucks. He says “it’s what you’d do if you were on the outside” as if there is some secret in-group knowledge needed to be a goddamn fucking comedian. Then he positions himself and his colleagues as heroes to continue that attitude of “those little pissants can have their fun” while he deludes himself into believing it’s just jealous people taking shots at his elite comedic skills. Total hack. Ari is a goddamn hack too.


these chicks don’t even know the name of my band ❤
He's exactly like Stern - bought into the bullshit of his own hype.

He's so tone deaf that he can't see when the peak of his godawful show was - interviews that were more like conversations. It's as bad as Stern thinking he's a genius interviewer rather than realizing his Pinnacle was office ball busting and when Jackie wrote his jokes.

Now Joe thinks he's a genius ship-steerer that ruins any natural flow of dialogue, and Stern is an old Queen hiding in a Hamptons closet with Ralph under the desk.

It really is pure fucking luck with success in this world.
Why would someone have a desk in their closet when they don’t write for themselves? 8/10 joke.