Catastrophe scenarios


I'm just this guy you know?
It's pretty clear that we're gonna have a major conflict here pretty soon.

What exactly do you see happening in the near future?

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
What conflict? People are gonna pussy out, the reality is Biden is right. People in the military and the police have 0 morality and will do what their masters tell them. The only way anything major will happen is through succession. Which there is growing support for in some states and around the country really. I highly doubt an army of boomers and zoomers are going to rise up and defeat anything or even start. The proud gays and antifags are gonna keep larping in the streets over retarded shit.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I think the events over the past 2 years were the spark that ignited the fire to come. I believe there will be domestic terror attacks by groups & paramilitaries in the west.

Also, there will be a big racial/ethnic clash in the west within the next few years, external/internal forces will spur it on & governments will use it as an excuse to hammer the final nail into peoples right to privacy.

I also believe a fat man in Milwaukee will lose a court case that will result in a divorce & bankruptcy.


I'm just this guy you know?
You’ll have to be more specific about which looming catastrophic event you’re referring. We’re living in interesting times.
Forced vaccinations country-wide, resulting in a backlash. Then the military (or what's left of it) will step in and control the "white supremacist insurgency" while the other half the military takes the side of the insurgents. Then the neoliberal upperclass will fuck with our comms (internet) and the system shuts down basically.

Then it'll just be a prolonged war for years until enough people die and we just build from the ground up a better vision of society.

Or nothing happens at all. IDK. But this linear path is a one-way street to real conflict.
Forced vaccinations country-wide, resulting in a backlash.
It depends on how bad the backlash is. If it's bad enough, they'll back down from it, like you're seeing vaccine mandates starting to look like they're dying on the vine.

If not and they go through with it, there will be a huge market for first, fake vaccination papers, then once they yell and scream about that for long enough and demand a secure digital version, a huge market for doctors who will go through all the motions and give you real vaccination papers with real lot #s, etc, but just squirting the syringe in the garbage and it will become a huge farce. Black people ain't taking that shit.

So it ends up being either this massive lie agreed upon or if the backlash is too much, the powers that be will back off of it (while magnanimously declaring that they support every Americans right to choose since that's what this country was founded on, after all) and move on to something else, like trying to get you fired for denying climate change which means you're a racist homophobe.


Forced vaccinations country-wide, resulting in a backlash. Then the military (or what's left of it) will step in and control the "white supremacist insurgency" while the other half the military takes the side of the insurgents. Then the neoliberal upperclass will fuck with our comms (internet) and the system shuts down basically.

Then it'll just be a prolonged war for years until enough people die and we just build from the ground up a better vision of society.

Or nothing happens at all. IDK. But this linear path is a one-way street to real conflict.
Do retards really think the US military is going to split somehow and fight itself? It’s not the 1860s where the people in the army were from the local area. Everyone at every military base are from all over the place.