Bishop Talbert Swan


Stand Alone Fruit
Anybody aware of him here? He’s an old boomer “bishop” idiot that cries about white people all day and gets in lots of twitter fights where he embarrasses himself. He’s easily angered on twitter so could be fun to goof on. He responds to almost everyone criticizing him which leads to lots of lauffs.


Powdered Toast Man
"Give me control of one twitter account, and I care not who makes the laws." Seriously, I want to fuck with so many people on there (I'm looking at you David Simon) but every account I make gets insta-suspended. I'm all in on the moral support for this bit though.


Stand Alone Fruit
yeah he’s a real dope, he says super racist things like he’s a tough guy only to turn around and cry when people say mean things to him. Plus he wrote a very anti-gay book about “praying the gay away” while crying republicans are homophobic and gets really angry if you bring up his book when he’s pretending to be woke. Plus he defends any black criminal as innocent and claims only white people commit crimes. He’s a fun one to mess with. Some troll once congratulated him on his wife transitioning (she’s real ugly) and he lost his shit. Of course this was following him saying all kinds of nasty things about conservative women. He’s like Pat, he’s a cry bully that pretends to be tough only to lose his shit and block when anyone fights back.
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