Bill Burr’s shitbull is finally dead.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry


Fuck Bill Burr.

It’s not your dog, Bill. You gave it away because you feared reprisal from the other animal in your house. imagine giving a fucking dog away years ago then still claiming it’s yours when it dies. What a fucking Tomlinson.
He's worse than a Tomlinson. Drinky is a product of stockholm syndrome and wouldn't ever do anything to make baby boy upset. Burr is the biggest faggot to be in comedy possible ever. Literally flipped his entire script ever since he got with this pavement ape. Goes from conspiracy/anti banker guy to trust the science.


I'm liking Joe Rogan these days, because at least he kept up the standard of being a true skeptic and remains open-minded, knowing full well of what he can and cannot say.

Bill Burr is a total sellout piece of shit. LA raped him of his mind and dignity.
The problem with Rogan outside of being a blazing homosexual, is that he's a year behind anyone really informed on this. Talking about shit that came out a year ago that the media buried. I remember seeing him in an interview some time ago and he referred to Media Matters (Soros) as a legitimate news source for whatever they were talking about at the time.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I could never part with an animal. Innocent creatures, dependent on your own kindness, giving you unconditional love in return? People don't do that - but a good dog or cat will. Even a cow will (Hi, Joe!).

I don't prescribe to some of the views here on Nia - except that she seems worthless as a person. Listening to her just reinforces how fucking lucky I was to find a woman like Gosia who just wants to compliment me as an equal - not control me. If I had a dog, and she asked me to jettison it, I'd point to the dog entrance and say "There's the door."

Burr is a fraud, and from hereon always will be. No loyalty among those bloody Irish.