Bad couple days for us on the lawsuit front....bad news here



[URL unfurl="true"],are%20being%20sued%20for%20%24112%2C000%2C%20according%20to%20Newsweek.[/URL]

WhaT's happening now is we are forming a coalition with some very powerful people to get new laws on the books. Wait quietly, faggots.


I guess its up to the prosecution to prove the authors of these alleged "fake reviews" never actually read Pig's books.
I would like to go on record that I have read ALL of Pig's books. They stink, and I don't like them.
Furthermore, his professional headshot is very, very misleading. He is much fatter and uglier now.

He sure is.



I guess its up to the prosecution to prove the authors of these alleged "fake reviews" never actually read Pig's books.
I would like to go on record that I have read ALL of Pig's books. They stink, and I don't like them.
Furthermore, his professional headshot is very, very misleading. He is much fatter and uglier now.

no it isn't. theres no law that says you have to read a book in order to discuss it or its author


I've said it before; the lord guides us in our crusade against evil. As the bible says 'defame evil where you find it' (I'm pretty sure at least 5/6 of those words are in the bible, & probably in similar order)
The attorney that filed it is worse for not talking them out of it. [URL][/URL]

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
Construction lawyer.... that explains it lol.
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