Anyone else prefer chubby chicks?



I’m not talking obese hambeasts, more like pic rel. ive been with 5’2 110 lb fit girls and the sex just sucks, feels like you’re with a twink. You can feel their rib cage when youre in doggy and you cant grab shit. Also been with 230lb 5’5 monsters during the dark days of a phenibut bender. Disgusting

the ideal woman is 5,3, 150-160. Little hang on the belly (not much), fat ass, fat tits, cute face.

maybe it’s ethnicity, like patrice said, white dudes like girls that have the bodies of little boys

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Will Tate

Oven March
I'm not against you in theory but those pictures don't go a long way toward helping your case here. The first one has rolls on her fucking back and the second one has legs like if you chopped the arms off an inflatable tube man, tied them off, and filled them with mashed potatoes and granola. I'm not against some thickness, but it goddamn jolly well better be in the right places.