Anthony Cumia talks about the night before the firing

Nana will never fully fess up about what really happened that night, because his entire post-firing "career" centers around the lie. He was undoubtedly up to something that night, whether he was looking for a tranny, taking creepshots or mumbling "nigger" under his breath. Nana is a booze-drenched late-nite Twitter addict who rarely goes outside, there's no way he'd just casually decide to take a stroll and snap a few art shots at 3am.

If I had to bet, I'd wager that he thought she was a tranny hooker, she flipped out and attention was attracted, at which point a humiliated Nana scurried home and began tweeting in a furious rage, in part to give himself and excuse re: why he was there in the first place. But, being a wetbrained retard and all, he overdid it in a sad attempt to be convincing.
She never mentions why she was even there that late, by herself, with a camera.

She was cruising for penis.
An anti-social drunk who literally tweets hundreds of times every night just suddenly decided to take a late night stroll around Times Square, ostensibly to take pictures of scaffolding? This seems wildly out of character for Nana.

Washing down a few bars with some lite beer, then trolling for she-penis and mistaking a broad-shouldered negress for a tranny, however, does seem more in character. Funny how he mentions that he was packing that night. In his self-loathing on-air gun fantasies he was coolly dispatching marauding nogs with a few well-placed double-taps, but in real life Nana didn't step up until he was back home where he could safely tweet all about it.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Nana will never fully fess up about what really happened that night, because his entire post-firing "career" centers around the lie. He was undoubtedly up to something that night, whether he was looking for a tranny, taking creepshots or mumbling "nigger" under his breath. Nana is a booze-drenched late-nite Twitter addict who rarely goes outside, there's no way he'd just casually decide to take a stroll and snap a few art shots at 3am.

If I had to bet, I'd wager that he thought she was a tranny hooker, she flipped out and attention was attracted, at which point a humiliated Nana scurried home and began tweeting in a furious rage, in part to give himself and excuse re: why he was there in the first place. But, being a wetbrained retard and all, he overdid it in a sad attempt to be convincing.
Either way it's big L to lose millions dollar job over it, and expect a guy you hated for decades to lose his over you is asking a bit too much


Laughing, playing poker, and talking about big tits. Just like real men's men.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Bob started out based calling him out without giving a shit if it made the Safe Space Compound situation awkward, then collapsed into Bill Burrisms about how being a cuck subservient husband is actually a Growing Experience that is Good for Men

Start a small podcast about how alimony and child support actually builds character and is progress in making men better next, Bobby. Fuck off