Anthony talked politics all of the time. From 1995 to 2001 you never heard Anthony talk politics. After 9/11 every radio show host became an arm of the US military and government. Pretty much repeating stuff like "Bin Laden" or "WMDs" every week or sometimes every day. Even non talk radio stations had their own government propaganda moments like banning Dixie Chicks songs or other stupidity.
It was a more a symptom of politics becoming ingrained with culture. The same thing happened post 2016 - Suddenly every comedian, news outlet, show, etc. became the Anti Trump hour, or how the world is so fucked up and bad, etc.
But from 2008 onward Anthony became more and more obsessed with becoming respected as some type of political talking head. Booking himself on talk shows and Fox News over and over. Doing Compound live show during election nights. Bringing up political or social issues on O&A despite not actually leading the conversation or actually fleshing out the topic. Anthony would just mention "guns" or "Iraq" and expect Opie and Norton to somehow carry him through the entire conversation.
I think the early 2008 years was Anthony still being Anthony and not jumping into his political talkshow host phase yet. Anthony hated niggers and women and what do you know, a nigger and a woman are running against each other. When it became a nigger vs an old white man all bets were off and Anthony was infuriated. If Obama were white the stupid political talk during that time would have been unnoticeable. Instead of Obama fucking up the country because of his policies, or political affiliation, or inexperience, it was simply because of him being black. Obviously you can’t just say you hate him because he’s black so Anthony had to invent other justifications. “HIS TAX POLICIES! IRAQ! OUR COUNTRIES SAFETY! HE LIES! GUNS!” We now know in hindsight that most of these fears didn’t pan out. The tax increases were unnoticeable. We never experienced another 9/11. We stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Everyone kept their guns. It just showed that his underlying problem was the nigger at the center of it.
At some point during Obama's administration Anthony began building confidence and imagining himself as some type of intellectual pundit. And it basically never ended as he still deludes himself into viewing his existence as some radical free speech martyr. Anthony is like that faggot Mancow. Where he thinks he was never a shock jock and was always a right wing talk show host just being held back by others. Failed rebranding.
Because as Obamas presidency drew on and he didn’t completely collapse America or turn it into a Communist utopia, Anthony had to search out more reasons and become more “educated” on how Obama was a bad President. And going back to my previous comment, it is not enough for this to be Ants opinion. He has to argue it and convince his followers that it is the right opinion so he “wins”. It’s also a massive ego stroke fueled by being around ballwashers 24/7. It’s not enough to be the clown who does Dice impressions, no no no, he has
thoughts too. Somewhere between 08-12 he completely forgot that the show he was on was a comedy show. Race talk became less about making jokes and how, no no no guys, beyond the jokes they’re
actually violent animals who should be killed. Because once again Anthony has to make his opinions his life, and he has to be “right”.
It was also Opie and Norton and the other retards at Sirius and XM. Just listen to any segment about Iraq, 9/11, conspiracy theories, Ventura. They all sound like retards. When Patrice said "flushing Bin Laden down the toilet" they had no real answers. They debated like middle school children.
I would leave Opie out of this equation. I can’t think of a single belief or point Opie has made about politics because even when he made them it felt like he was never invested in it. Just trying to get the show going. However that faggot fuck Norton was right there with Anthony in being an uninformed boot licking neocon.
Anthony cannot even counter the callers who bring up Sue Lightning or Feed Nana. Or those who say he bombed at the roast. He cannot debate anyone on any issue really as he never learned how. His debates on O&A consisted of him screaming over callers.
Or, when a guest was in studio, acting like a fucking pussy. It makes my skin crawl with rage thinking of these arguments because it’s the opposite of how men should argue. With the Bill Burr case, Burr got annoyed with how Ant was shoe horning how niggers are animals into a funny news story. When confronted he calls Burr a Hollywood brainwashed lib. When Burr lets go of the argument Anthony throws in another shot at black people just to get Bill riled up again. Thats not fucking “based” it’s childish because it wasn’t like Anthony was making a good point Burr couldn’t accept. He was saying nonsensical disconnected shit with 0 evidence to back it up and if you didn’t accept it you were a Hollywood Lib, and “I WAS JUST FUCKIN JOKING JEEZ DUDE DONT BE SUCH A LIB EVEN THOUGH IM TOTALLY NOT JOKING AND HATE BLACK PEOPLE.”
Or when he argued with DL Hughley about race and got absolutely destroyed. Because Anthony couldn’t counter a single point or bring one up of his own other than “Well blacks commit a lot of crime! They don’t have dads!” and whenever Hughley would counter it Ant would “HAHAHAHA HOLEEEE SHIT LOOK AT THIS MONKEY THINKING HE CAN DEBATE MY POINTS AHAHAHAA I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY BECAUSE NO ONE TOLD ME HOW TO RESPOND TO THAT ARGUMENT”
I fucking hate him