AntH walks-back his 9/11 boomerism & Beurer goes full redpill

AntH's political opinions have always been milquetoast parroting of whatever the most generic right-wing talking points happen to be in vogue. He was a war hawk free market fag when Bush and Obama were in power, only to abruptly shift to anti-fed protectionist once Trump got big.

The absolute worst of the AntH ballwashers are the people who inexplicably believe that he is some kind of insightful political/social commentator.
His opinions are literally him repeating what he heard on Hannity/Tucker the night before. He's never read a book, he consumes no media beyond right wing cable news, and he hasn't had an original political thought in his entire career. And its the same shit over and over and over.

The only thing worse than AntH is Stupid Geno/Stupid Chrissie's parroting QAnon/Epoch Times talking points.

Rip big Vic

Live video of Opie finding out that Anthony lost The Compound:
