Abbo hate thread

Boqnaldo (Parody account)
You can tell Aboes are primordial pajeets...nothing africoid about them. They are a bottleneck population from India who left for Australia during the Neolithic.

Boqnaldo (Parody account)
In other words, you’re genetically close to these non humans. How much gasoline do you sniff each day?
Imagine this:


Looking down on anyone? Especially as #2025 approaches...

Take a good long sniff inside your shirt rn. This is the most accurate descriptor of that smell:





Imagine this:

View attachment 213334

Looking down on anyone? Especially as #2025 approaches...

Take a good long sniff inside your shirt rn. This is the most accurate descriptor of that smell:



You literally don’t bathe yourself. As is tradition with your kind. You are poor and smell like your skin color. Shit.

In 2025, I’ll continue to thrive while you’ll still be a poor sand nigger.

Boqnaldo (Parody account)
You literally don’t bathe yourself. As is tradition with your kind. You are poor and smell like your skin color. Shit.

In 2025, I’ll continue to thrive while you’ll still be a poor sand nigger.
Richer than you and cleaner.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
While they’re dumber, they aren’t as violent as niggers in the states. I’ll grant you that.
They're pretty violent but there's only really two options - leave them to their own devices or forcibly civilize them. Unfortunately neither of these appeal to the faggot societies we find ourselves in.


They're pretty violent but there's only really two options - leave them to their own devices or forcibly civilize them. Unfortunately neither of these appeal to the faggot societies we find ourselves in.
If we left them alone they’d drink themselves to death via gasoline, so…

Boqnaldo (Parody account)
We’ve all seen your parents home. You’re a smelly poor. Insecure about your looks too.
No one with your sentiments is well are poor and a hick. You don't carry yourself like a rich racist (they dont act like Cumias...I'm richer than Anthony Cumia who is much richer than you) at all.


No one with your sentiments is well are poor and a hick. You don't carry yourself like a rich racist (they dont act like Cumias...I'm richer than Anthony Cumia who is much richer than you) at all.
How would you know? You’ve never been in the presence of wealth in your real life. All you know is your low iq existence of shitting outside since you clearly can’t afford working plumbing.

And that you think Anthony is rich is adorable. Continue to embarrass yourself while I mock you.