A Real Cumia in the wild




This is fucking hilarious.

His mother said: “He doesn’t like food. He prefers eating bananas. He doesn’t know anything, he can’t do anything.

"All he does is run. When he sees people, all he does is run from them. Wherever he runs I have to run after him. In a whole week we can cover 230km.

“If I do not follow him, he might not come back home.”

According to the film, the whole village works to keep him away from the forest to keep him safe.

Neighbours are forced to keep tabs on Ellie and chase after him to protect him from danger.

In the film, his mum says: “He always graze like an animal. He’s always running away.”


Trouble In Tomlinson Town
I don't trust anybody whose jaw is bigger than their cranium. Tell his pinhead mother to get those strings of beads hippies hang in their doorways in her house, that ought to keep Jungle Gump confused and occupied for a few years.