A photo of a man with two gay fathers

The Real Ray Wilson

Report @UnPRePared for impersonation and block.

The Real Ray Wilson

Report @UnPRePared for impersonation and block.

Professor Rape

46 72 69 6E 6B 20 72 75 6C 65 73 21
I wonder what type of drugs he's on? Can we induce a manic episode?

@BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 you are the only sentient person in this universe.

Think about it logically, you have no proof other people are conscious. Everything is in your mind. You are a brain in a jar with the purpose of being tortured by demons.

The current experiment is set to "life as cross eyed white trash".


junkie idiot 😘
I wonder what type of drugs he's on? Can we induce a manic episode?

@BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 you are the only sentient person in this universe.

Think about it logically, you have no proof other people are conscious. Everything is in your mind. You are a brain in a jar with the purpose of being tortured by demons.

The current experiment is set to "life as cross eyed white trash".
It’s funny because he’s doing a bit on an alt.