he's curled up in mama raven's special blanket on his piss-stained sweaty couch, nursing a hangover and exhausted from a long sunday of doing nothing.
smirking to himself, as he thinks he is slaying trolls with his witty condescending retorts and #notlettingtheidiotswin
soon he will need to shit again, as his first bowel movement didn't get everything out,
then he will make some shitty overcooked eggs and untoasted, unbuttered bread, along with a few miller lites to catch a buzz
....he considers instagraming his special creation, but decides to show some humilty...
an hour or so after that digests and nothing else is showing up on his twitter feed as he constanty refreshes, as people have jobs and dont sit in their filth and eat treats all day, he will see some negress on msnbc talking about trump, jail, etc...
this will get him horny, thinking of tyrone, the lesbian sisters, etc.. out comes the laptop, lube, as he tries to cum for an hour and half, very difficult because of the low testosterone and alcohol in his system..... then nap time for patty, into a deep slumber, drooling on himself, as his cum dries on his stomach fat...
what a miserable existence.. a 41 year old man....
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