72 y/o Bill Belichick dating 24 year old cheerleader


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson





Hilariously, all of the lonely, porn addicted Redditors are breaking out the terms like "pedophile" and "groomer" to describe two consenting adults getting together, conveniently ignoring that both are using one another for their own gains.

She got them crazy eyes, though.

Professor Rape

46 72 69 6E 6B 20 72 75 6C 65 73 21
People call them gold-diggers, whores, etc, but I have a lot of respect for women who take advantage of guys for their money.

I laugh at the ones who try to and fail though. Like stupid Niki Robinson who thought Pat would be a rich famous author, and instead ended up with one of the worst lives imaginable.

Dani tried to make that lifestyle work but had to escape once Ant got bitey.


my little babies are gone
She's just doing what nature intended. Guy has resources and she's pretty enough to get the benefit of them for a while. Through him she will end up meeting some other rich dude who wants to marry and shoot a load in her.

Reddit lives in a vacuum where none of this could possibly happen if she was a happy adult making her own choices.