Sue Lightning

Tranny autismo gamer vs pilled out busted up white woman who does yoga. Take your bets


Someone tell that dude to get off the game reviews and start dribbling
Rundown of Nana's shit.
Bitching about Earth Day
You get her book autographed.
Trump "woke him" to see how corrupt America is; thus Trump true savior of America.
Simping for Cops (aka black people make life hard).
Talks about her plane saving fagness.
Ukraine bitching
Biden Admin and Liberal Media are like nazi propaganda
So let me get this straight (unlike Nana), instead of being funny which landed him on a radio show and made him millions of dollars his new show consists of the following:
-talking about what he does during the last days of his life
-selling a shitty pamphlet full of stories we've all heard 1000 times with some Sharpie scribbles on the first page
-bitching about "libruls"/environmentalists, praising Trump/cops with the same tired takes done much better by 1000s of other shows/hosts/podcasters who put their shit out for free.

Hmm, wonder why his show/network is failing.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
What ever are you talking about. I've told this story 30 times.

Once upon a time, Anthony and I are drinking in the basement. Pretty normal night, nothing crazy. He asks if I know "Anna", who is the 14 year old niece of a mutual acquaintance. He then goes on to tell me how she was over the house some weeks ago and they were in the theater where he fooled around with her and fingered her. I didn't really know what to say. Was he making this up for a reaction? Did it really happen? Why would he tell me that? The rest of the evening continues as normal and I forget about this little interaction for a while. Fast forward to after I'm gone from the show. I get a hysterical phone call from Anna's aunt. She says she just heard something from her niece and can't believe it. When she tells me the story, I realize I've already heard it. It's the exact same story Anthony had told me that night. That's when I knew he was serious about his story. I tell the Aunt the story is legit and he told me so. This info goes back to detectives who were already working on this for the victim. I am asked if I would feel comfortable making a statement supporting the story. I agree. Go down, give my statement and that was the last I ever heard of anything regarding that situation.

He really does deserve to be put in front of a firing squad.