17 tweets deep into arguing with a rando under a Rob Schneider tweet and he drops this little gem of pathological narcissism:

Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 10.08.32 PM.png


Here's another one. His vanity published scifi garbage now means he "has a professional understanding of science." Just like selling medicare supplements means he "worked in medicine" for however many years he claimed. What a fat lunatic.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1414066318874185731?s=19[/URL]
Posted 2 hours ago, Fatso had no response to this. Instead he blocked the man and took some more blood pressure medication



Trouble In Tomlinson Town

Convict Wyzz

Shit poster/hole stretcher
Am I missing something? How is Star Wars not science fiction? That’s exactly what it is. I’m guessing he’s trying to win on a technicality since they’re movies and not books but he’d be wrong even in that case since there are games and comic books set in that universe too.

God he’s such a fat cunt.


Am I missing something? How is Star Wars not science fiction? That’s exactly what it is. I’m guessing he’s trying to win on a technicality since they’re movies and not books but he’d be wrong even in that case since there are games and comic books set in that universe too.

God he’s such a fat cunt.

Some nerds would say Star Wars is "science fantasy" rather than science fiction. The force is more like the magic of a fantasy setting than the hard science of an Asimov book. The distinction is meaningless because most people consider sci fi and fantasy to be the same genre.

Fat's fake nerd personality really bothers me. He acts like he writes hard sci fi when it's really just lame jokes and thinly veiled political pandering. Jerry Pournelle was able to write "mil-spec sci fi" about the Cold War without naming a character Fonald Peagan or stealing plot points from movies, you hack.
Here's another one. His vanity published scifi garbage now means he "has a professional understanding of science." Just like selling medicare supplements means he "worked in medicine" for however many years he claimed. What a fat lunatic.

Asimov had a PhD and was a professor of biochemistry.
Heinlein was an engineer.
Clarke had math and physics degrees and worked with radar and came up with the idea to use satellites for telecommunications.

Those are examples of having a "working, professional understanding of science."